3rd Symposium of Applied Physiology and Treatment in ICU and Anesthesia
«Main Topic: How to integrate physiology including inflammation and metabolism in clinic evaluation and treatment?»
February 28th & March 1st of 2025

Welcome message

LOGO 3rd Symposium (002)

Dear colleagues,

After our previous 2 meetings and confirmation of the value of providing
physiological rationales for clinical analysis and therapeutic decision-making,
the Scientific Committee is proposing, for the 3rd Meeting, to «set to music»
what has been acquired, based on clinical scenarios. Integrated to this are
essential elements, such as inflammation and metabolism, which greatly
modify physiological paradigms and therefore therapeutic schemes.

The 3rd meeting will take place in Nice, « the Galet », Hôpital Pasteur 2, a Nice
University Hospital, on February 28th and March1st, 2025

We are looking forward to welcome you.

Kind regards.

Symposium Directors:
Ina Filipović-Grčić , MD ( Croatia)
Stefano Romagnoli, MD, PhD ( Italy)
Didier Payen, MD, PhD ( France)

Symposium information


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